Telestial Kit V520 Dual-band Handset and Passport Lite Dual-IMSI SIM
Mobal - click on the image below for more information.
- Dual-band handset for calling in Europe. Receive a UK +447 and a US +1 phone number & bonus call credit.
- You can get reached on both numbers in the over 160 countries worldwide that we provide service in.
- FREE to receive calls in France, Italy, Spain and the UK on the +44 number; 19c/min on the +1 number
- No connection fees and free calls to voicemail
- Recharge minutes anytime and from anywhere over the web or directly from the mobile phone
If you are going on vacation or holiday overseas then the Kit V520 with the Telestial Passport Lite service is for you.
You get both a Global and a USA phone number that works in over 160 countries and you save up to 90% on international roaming costs!
Make it easy for family and friends to keep in touch - it is free for them to call you!
The Kit V520 is an easy-to-use, reliable and affordable international phone that has all the tools necessary for hassle free communica
Telestial Kit V520 Dual-band Handset and Passport Lite Dual-IMSI SIM
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