
Arkon GN047 Removable Swivel Air Vent Mount for Garmin nuvi GPS

Arkon GN047 Removable Swivel Air Vent Mount for Garmin nuvi GPS

ARKON - click on the image below for more information.

  • Removable Swivel Air Vent Pedestal
  • Works With Nuvi(R) & Streetpilot(R) Devices That Have 17Mm Swivel Ball Mounting Pattern
  • For Use Only With Vehicles Having Horizontal Air Vent Louvers
  • Installs and can be easily removed without tools, Features the 17mm swivel ball pattern


Arkon GN047 Removable Vent Mount for Nuvi & StreetPilot

Arkon GN047 Removable Swivel Air Vent Mount for Garmin nuvi GPS

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i want a bird for my birhtday but my parents dont like the idea what are some ways to change there minds?
Best answer:
Pets do not make good gifts!!

There is some major responsibility with owning a pet. When it comes to children wanting pets they usually don't take care of them. They start off with good intention, but then stop doing what they said they would.

You can contact your local animal shelter and see if they have any birds for adoption.

http://www.mypetnanny.info/pd/Shelters/OH.htmSorry young friend a bird is not a good idea, parrots can live for 60 years, how can you pass the bird on, because it bonds with the person who first looks after it.
Look for a cat or dog, both last for 15 years more or less.
Then its tears all the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!personally, i like budgies/parakeets. I think you should research whatever bird you get, and show your parents that way that you are a competant bird owner. I am facing the same problem, except that my mom is ok with it. I hope this helps!

Orignal From: Arkon GN047 Removable Swivel Air Vent Mount for Garmin nuvi GPS

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