
How to download custom film ware and PSP Tube?

psp tube
by Fygget

Question by Deep Run Rage #6: How to download custom film ware and PSP Tube?
I want to download PSP Tube and custom film ware for my PSP original and I tried watching tutorials and everything but its too complicated. So if you could please break it down for me that would be great. Also how do you get more memory for PSP internet? It always tells me I don't have enough memory?

Best answer:

Answer by Astano
The tutorials are not that hard to understand if you look on youtube! PSP Tube doesn't work as advertised so don't get excited or upset you haven't missed allot. Sorry to tell you but if you can't grasp the tutorials your probably gonna brick your PSP. The Memory Error on the PSP's Internet Browser is referring to the PSP's RAM which is around 2mb's for the internet browser which is nothing. The PSP doesn't have a good web browser so you can't view every site you want. Sorry but hope i helped.

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